How to enlarge a man's penis - 10 methods and operations

The issue of penis size is a topic that often fills men's minds and can affect their confidence and self-esteem. Men may find a lot of information when looking for ways to enlarge their penis, but which ones really work?

In this article we will look at various ways to enlarge the penis at home (gel, ointment, vacuum pump, soda, extender and others) and with the help of surgical intervention.

penis enlargement method

All methods of penis enlargement at home without surgery

Is it possible to enlarge your penis with soda?

In seeking to increase the size of the penis, men may get the most unexpected advice, and one of them is the claim that baking soda can help increase the size of the penis. However, it should be immediately emphasized that this method has no scientific validity and is not confirmed in the medical literature. Let's take a closer look at why using soda for this purpose is not only useless, but also dangerous.

soda for penis enlargement

First of all, it should be noted that the size of the penis is determined by genetic factors and some myths about how it can be changed have no basis in reality. Soda is certainly a necessary ingredient in cooking and chemical processes, but using it to enlarge the penis is pure fantasy without any scientific basis.

In addition, soda is an aggressive substance and can cause irritation, redness and even burn the skin. Using baking soda on sensitive areas like the penis can cause serious damage and deterioration of the skin.

Vacuum pump - is it possible to enlarge the penis?

A vacuum pump is one of the methods offered to temporarily increase the size of the penis. This method is based on the principle of creating a vacuum around the penis, which helps to increase the blood supply and temporarily increase the size of the organ during erection. They are used as a way to achieve a fuller erection and improve blood circulation.

How it works

vacuum pump for penis enlargement

The vacuum pump is a cylinder placed on the penis. Once the cylinder is positioned, a vacuum is created inside it using a pump or vacuum mechanism. This leads to increased blood flow to the penis, which can lead to a fuller erection and, temporarily, an increase in size.

How to use a penis vacuum pump

Before using a vacuum pump, you must read the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. It is important to maintain proper hygiene and take precautions to avoid injury and discomfort. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended time of use and create too much vacuum, as this can cause unpleasant consequences.

A typical pump design involves placing it on a man's erect penis, then securing it and creating a vacuum chamber.

Decisions and limitations

It is important to understand that the results of using a vacuum pump are temporary and disappear after removing the device (from 1 to 5 hours). It can be useful in the case of a temporary need for a fuller erection or in relieving circulatory problems. However, it does not provide a permanent increase in penis size. On average, an increase is achieved from 1 cm to 3 cm.

Jelqing technique

The jelqing technique is one of the alternative techniques that involves daily exercise to enlarge the penis. The name of this method comes from the English word "jelqing", which means doing manual exercises to massage and stretch the organs. Jelqing is considered a method that can help increase the volume and smooth blood circulation in the penis.

How it works

how jelqing works

Jelqing is based on the idea that regularly massaging and stretching the penile tissue can help relax it and increase blood flow. This in turn can lead to stronger erections and a temporary increase in erect size.

Applications and recommendations

Before you start the jelqing technique, you need to familiarize yourself with the correct execution of the exercise. Mistakes can cause injury or even deterioration of the condition of the genital organs. It is recommended to start with light loads and gradually increase the intensity. Consistency is the key to this method, and results can only be seen after weeks or even months of practice.

Decisions and limitations

The jelqing technique has its supporters and opponents. Some men report positive changes in stronger erections and even an increase in erect size. However, please understand that results may vary from person to person and may be temporary. It is also important to remember that doing exercises incorrectly can lead to injuries and negative consequences.

Tablets, ointments, gels for penis enlargement

Tablets, ointments and gels for male penis enlargement are one of the product categories that attract attention due to their ease of use, price and effectiveness. However, it is important to understand that not all remedies are created equal and their effectiveness may vary. For example, only a few of them have proven themselves to be the best, plus the jelqing technique.

Tablets, ointments and gels that are supposed to enlarge the penis may include various components, such as plant extracts, amino acids, minerals and other substances that help increase blood flow to the organ and stimulate its growth.

Before using a tablet, ointment or gel to enlarge the penis, it is recommended that you read and follow the manufacturer's instructions. However, please keep in mind that the actual results may vary from person to person and may depend on many factors, including your body's response, lifestyle and more. Before using any new product, you should consult a medical professional.

Extender for penis enlargement

An extender is a medical device designed to gradually increase the length and volume of the penis. It is based on the principle of tissue stretching, which promotes their growth and regeneration. Extenders use various stretching mechanisms, allowing you to control the process and adapt it to individual needs.

extender for penis enlargement

Extenders act gradually and smoothly, without putting excessive pressure on the tissues of the genital organs. Their work is based on the theory of tissue growth in response to continuous stretching. This device is worn on the genitals for a certain period of time during the day, allowing the tissue to grow and adapt to new conditions.

The advantages of the extender include its non-invasive nature and the absence of the need for surgery. Also, this method is considered relatively safe if used according to the instructions. However, results vary from person to person and may take time. It is important to maintain discipline and regularity while using the extender.

The average value is 0. 4-0. 6 cm per month. Significant results are recorded after 5 months of use. That is, wearing an extender to enlarge the penis for more than six months is pointless.

Selection and use

Choosing the right extender plays an important role in achieving the desired results. It is recommended to use products from trusted manufacturers and follow the instructions for use. In addition, consultation with a medical professional can help determine the appropriate method and avoid possible risks.

Penis enlargement stretcher

A stretcher is a device designed to stretch the penis to enlarge it. The operating principle of the stretcher is based on the use of gradual and controlled stretching of the penile tissue. This method is based on the principle of tissue regeneration, where body cells can reproduce and replace damaged tissue with new ones.

stretcher for penis enlargement

Similar designs are available in the online market; they provide concealed carry. However, the method is no different from hanging weights

Instructions for using the Stretcher

  1. Prepare: Before using the stretcher, make sure your penis and hands are clean. This will help prevent infection and irritation.
    Warm Up: For effective stretching, start by warming up the tissues. Apply a warm compress or warm bath to the genital area for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Using the Stretcher: Place the stretcher on the penis according to the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure the device fits comfortably and does not cause pain.
    Stretching: Gradually begin to increase the tension on the stretcher. To do this, use special settings, if provided. Do not suddenly, but gradually increase the tension.
  3. Session Duration: The first session can last 5-10 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 20-30 minutes. However, don't go too far: too long a session can cause discomfort and tissue damage.
  4. Rest and Regularity: It is recommended to rest after each session. Stretching the penis takes time to recover. Do a session 3-5 times a week to give the tissue time to rest.

Remember: stretching and hanging weights are some of the oldest and most extreme methods of penis enlargement. It should be immediately noted that this method is very traumatic and, with rare exceptions, can only show results together with the gel for enlargement.

Watch out

Hanging loads is a traumatic method and can cause various complications:

  1. Stretching of tissues and ligaments, which can cause deformation of the genital organs and erectile dysfunction.
  2. Damage to blood vessels, which can cause bleeding and other circulatory problems.
  3. Painful sensations and discomfort that can have a negative effect on the psychological state.


The hanging load isineffective and dangerous methodspenis enlargement. Its use can have serious effects on men's health and comfort. Therefore, it is recommended to absolutely refrain from trying to use this method and pay attention to safer and more effective ways to enlarge the penis.

By following the principles of safety and taking care of your health, you can achieve the desired results. It is important to remember that consultation with a doctor before using any method is mandatory. It is better to choose proven and scientifically proven methods to achieve your goals.

Surgery to increase the width and length of the penis

Ligamentotomy: surgery to enlarge the penis

A ligamentotomy is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the apparent length of the penis. The surgery is performed by cutting a ligament called the pubic-penile ligament. After cutting the ligament, you can achieve an increase in the length of the penis by several centimeters. It is important to understand that ligamentotomy does not affect the actual size of the penis and its function.

ligamentotomy for penis enlargement

The ligamentotomy operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the pubic bone area and exposes the ligament. The ligament is then cut, allowing the penis to partially "stretch. " A slight increase in noticeable length may occur during the healing process.

As for the price of surgery, it can vary depending on many factors, including the location of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon and the complexity of the procedure. In our country, for example, prices can start from several tens of thousands of rubles and more.

Ligamentotomy is one of the proposed methods to increase the apparent length of the penis. However, before deciding to undergo surgery, it is important to conduct thorough research, consult with several qualified doctors, and discuss all possible risks and benefits of the procedure.

Penile thickening surgery with collagen matrix: process

Consultation: It is important to consult a specialist before surgery. The doctor will assess your health and inform you about the details of the operation.

  1. Preparation: The patient may need to undergo several tests to assess suitability for surgery.
  2. Surgery: The surgeon makes a microscopic incision and injects a collagen matrix into the penile tissue, which leads to an increase in volume.
  3. Recovery: after surgery, the patient is advised to follow the regimen and take medication
how collagen works

Factors that affect cost

  • Doctor's experience: The surgeon's qualifications can affect the cost of surgery.
  • Clinic location: service costs may vary depending on the region.
  • Patient characteristics: The complexity of the operation may depend on the patient's anatomical characteristics.


Penile thickening surgery using a collagen matrix is a serious decision that requires consultation with a doctor and careful consideration. Operating costs may vary depending on various factors.

Gel implants (penal prosthetics)

Surgery with gel implants involves the introduction of a special gel into the tissue of the genital organs. This helps increase length and volume. The procedure is as follows:

Preparation: The clinical consultant has a detailed discussion with the patient, discussing goals and expectations. Possible risks and side effects, as well as contraindications, are also discussed.

gel implants in the penis

Anesthesia: Anesthesia is used to ensure patient comfort.
Gel injection: The surgeon makes a small incision and injects the gel into the tissue. The gel is distributed evenly, achieving the desired result. Closing the wound: Once the surgery is complete, the surgeon closes the incision with stitches.

Side effects and restrictions

It is important to remember that any surgery may have side effects:

  1. Pain: Recovery may be accompanied by discomfort.
  2. Swelling and bruising: the body's normal response to intervention.
  3. "Foreign" sensation: some patients experience similar changes.
  4. Contraindications to surgery may include chronic disease, allergic reactions to the gel, and other conditions.

The price of surgery depends on various factors, including the location and experience of the surgeon. Choosing a qualified specialist is a key aspect for a successful operation and minimizing risk.

A pleasant advantage

The survival rate is higher than hyaluronic acid (up to 95%). The results last up to 10 years (compared to fillers, the results last up to 1-1. 5 years). You can achieve not only lengthening, but also thickening of the penis.

Surgery with gel implants is one method of penis enlargement. It is important to know the procedures, risks and expectations before making a decision. You are advised to consult your doctor to make an informed decision.

Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid (filler)

Enlargement with hyaluronic acid (better known as filler) is one of the modern techniques that give men the opportunity to correct the size of their penis. This method is based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid, a substance widely used in medicine for plastic surgery and rejuvenation procedures.

penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid

Process and outcome

The procedure for enlargement with hyaluronic acid occurs through the injection of a drug into a specific area of the penis. This material helps to increase the volume, creating the effect of volume and density. It is important to understand that the results of this procedure are temporary, and after some time (1-1. 5 years) the injection must be repeated.

Side effects and contraindications

As with any medical procedure, hyaluronic acid supplementation has its risks and limitations. Possible side effects include swelling, stinging, allergic reactions, and uneven distribution of the material. Contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, autoimmune diseases and certain chronic diseases.

Prices and notes

The cost of hyaluronic acid augmentation procedures can vary depending on the country, the medical facility and the experience of the practitioner. It is important to consult with a licensed and experienced physician who will provide consultation and recommendations tailored to your individual circumstances.


Penis enlargement is a personal decision for every man. Surgery such as the addition of hyaluronic acid can provide results, but carries certain risks. Before deciding to undergo the procedure, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons, consult with a qualified specialist and make the decision that is most suitable for you.


It should be noted that the issue of penis enlargement is very individual and personal for each man. This article discusses various methods of penis enlargement. However, it is important to remember that each method has its own characteristics, risks and limitations.